Ebook The Guy Guide to God Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket 101 RealWorld Tips for Teenaged Guys Jonathan McKee Books

The Guy's Guide will encourage your faith, challenge you spiritually, and give you real-life advice how to live out your faith in today’s highly secularized culture, with distractions lurking around every corner. . .and just a click away.
101 real-life tips including. . .
- Today’s nerd is tomorrow’s boss.
- If you have to look over your shoulder to check if anyone’s in the room, you probably shouldn’t be typing it into the search engine.
- Learn a skill that would help you survive a zombie apocalypse.
- Losing your temper feels really good. . .for about 17 seconds. Keeping your cool feels even better. . .for the rest of the week.
- Realize most bad choices usually began five choices ago.
- If you have a TV in your bedroom, unplug it right now and move it to another room.
. . .and dozens more helpful hints provide spiritual, practical, and even humorous advice for navigating the challenges of your teen years with confidence and wisdom.
“Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity,
God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
Romans 121–2 msg
JONATHAN MCKEE is the author of over a dozen books including Get Your Teenagers Talking, Should I Just Smash My Kid's Phone, and The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide for Teenagers. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide while writing about parenting and youth culture and providing free resources for families on TheSource4Parents.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and his three kids live in California.
JonathanMcKeeWrites.com. Twitter.com/InJonathansHead.
Ebook The Guy Guide to God Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket 101 RealWorld Tips for Teenaged Guys Jonathan McKee Books
"My son loves this book. Each section is only a few pages so they hold his attention. He also says the book is not boring as there are lots of colors and fonts so it stimulates his brain to read it. Some of the reviews criticize the book claiming it is not a suitable devotional. I don't think the book is really intended as such. I think it is more intended to get teenage boys to THINK about the world we live in today and how the choices they make now shape who they become as an adult and teaches them how they can help themselves make better choices. My son has read most of the book and has discussed a lot of it with me - pointing out different perspectives that he had not considered that have helped him to better understand why his dad and I have made certain decisions regarding his restrictions and consequences for violating those restrictions. All in all, very pleased with this purchase."
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Tags : The Guy's Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in Your Pocket 101 Real-World Tips for Teenaged Guys (9781624169908) Jonathan McKee Books,Jonathan McKee,The Guy's Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in Your Pocket 101 Real-World Tips for Teenaged Guys,Shiloh Run Press,1624169902,Religious - Christian - General,Christian life,Christian life;Juvenile literature.,Christian teenagers - Religious life,Christian teenagers;Religious life;Juvenile literature.,Teenage boys,Teenage boys - Religious life,Teenage boys;Religious life;Juvenile literature.,Religion Spirituality / Christianity,Children Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Christian spirituality religious experience,Christian teenagers,JUVENILE,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religious / Christian / Values Virtues,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Juvenile Non-Fiction,Juvenile literature,Religious - Christian - Values Virtues,Religious life,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Inspirational Personal Growth,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Religious / Christian / General,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Social Topics / Values Virtues,Young Adult Fiction,avoiding pornography; spiritual advice; practical advice; christian culture; teenage boys; christian teens; following jesus; knowing god; maturity; teen guys; christian walk; fathers and sons; parenting teenagers; biblical lessons; bible study; studying scripture; bible verses; young adult; youth ministry; youth pastor; sexual sin; male sexuality; abstinence; junior high; high school; coming of age; life lessons; life changes,avoiding pornography;spiritual advice;practical advice;christian culture;teenage boys;christian teens;following jesus;knowing god;maturity;teen guys;christian walk;fathers and sons;parenting teenagers;biblical lessons;bible study;studying scripture;bible verses;young adult;youth ministry;youth pastor;sexual sin;male sexuality;abstinence;junior high;high school;coming of age;life lessons;life changes,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religious / Christian / Values Virtues,Religious - Christian - Values Virtues,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Inspirational Personal Growth,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Religious / Christian / General,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Social Topics / Values Virtues,Young Adult Fiction,Christian teenagers,Juvenile literature,Religious life,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION,Children Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Christian spirituality religious experience
The Guy Guide to God Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket 101 RealWorld Tips for Teenaged Guys Jonathan McKee Books Reviews :
The Guy Guide to God Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket 101 RealWorld Tips for Teenaged Guys Jonathan McKee Books Reviews
- My son loves this book. Each section is only a few pages so they hold his attention. He also says the book is not boring as there are lots of colors and fonts so it stimulates his brain to read it. Some of the reviews criticize the book claiming it is not a suitable devotional. I don't think the book is really intended as such. I think it is more intended to get teenage boys to THINK about the world we live in today and how the choices they make now shape who they become as an adult and teaches them how they can help themselves make better choices. My son has read most of the book and has discussed a lot of it with me - pointing out different perspectives that he had not considered that have helped him to better understand why his dad and I have made certain decisions regarding his restrictions and consequences for violating those restrictions. All in all, very pleased with this purchase.
- I have a 15yr old son who loves to read, loves God and so I thought this would be a great book for him. It is well written and helps him to understand things such as girls and dating. It is a must have for teenage boys everywhere.
- This book is an awesome book for junior high through high school guys! The author offers hilarious, real advice like take a shower, shave that peach fuzz, use gum! He balances it with tough truths that every young man needs to hear—no means no, get off porn, read your Bible daily. Each topic is short, straightforward, and usually filled with humor. The guys that read them loved the book and got through it quickly! I’m buying more for my youth group guys!
- I bought this book for my little brother, age 13, since he is going into that phase where he is practically new things. I was a bit iffy about buying this for a gift because my brother doesn't really read but it resulted that my brother actually started reading the book. He enjoys the book and even wants to let a cousin borrow it. Great book!
- We just finished this book. It was our nightly devotion for the past four months. My boys are ages 9,13 & 15. I cannot express to you how valuable this book has been. Each night as we read the devotion together, sometimes blushing, we Cover topics that boys need to hear. I cannot recommend this book enough!
- This is one of about 8 books I purchased for my 13yo's sex-ed studies. We are very happy with the purchase and like he other books they seem to be very helpful. He's a big reader to start with and given the subject, I expected this. However he is learning so much and we are talking more with him. He feels free to bring it up, not us. He's no longer emarised about the subject and speaks about it like a young adult should, freely. Yet he still believes sex if strictly for marriage, Which had been supported more by the reading. We just don't want him to be naive, we know how sexualized every aspect of life has become.
- This is perfect for my 13-year old son, it was a Christmas gift, and we now enjoy reading a bit in the morning before school or in the evening before bed. A wonderful way to begin or end the day. Not only are these valuable lessons that give us something to think on, but it is also great for either/both his father and I to read with our son, and it opens up the chance to discuss what we are reading. My lone complaint (and it's not really even a complaint!) is I wished there was more scripture verses, but overall this is an excellent book for a young man!! Thank you!
- I wanted a devotional type book that was practical for teenage boys and related to things they are dealing with at their age. We started adding the readings to our night time devotions with my son at night. They are great reminders and lessons, and I'm glad we decided to buy this book! Most nights the tips are very relatable to things we've dealt with having a 16 year old son. Most nights a scripture passage is included that goes along with the tip. There are a few that are just for fun (with no Bible verses) like "10 movies you must see." I haven't seen all of the movies mentioned, so I'm not sure if they are good choices or not. For the most part, we have really appreciated the tips in this book and have liked the conversations it has opened up for us with our son. It would be great for younger teens (and tweens) and is good for older teens as well.