Read Online Physics Lab in the Home Bob Friedhoffer Joe Hosking 9781092779654 Books

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Physics Lab in the Home Bob Friedhoffer Joe Hosking 9781092779654 Books Reviews
- Multiple printing errors and odd spacing exist on every page of this book, making it quite difficult to read. Avoid this poor reprint job and look for a used copy of this book from its original release instead.
- Terrible formatting! The words are so garbled and the formatting so off that my student won’t be able to read this independently. I can barely make sense of it. Buyer beware - this is awful!!
- Hi, I have not had a chance to look at the content yet. The publisher does not know standard English. On every page there are multiple words that are broken up by spaces or multiple spaces. For instance (I just opened to a random page) "The h eat of your hand is not bein g..." Also, in Project 1 of Chapter 2, you need "An adjustable (monkey or Cresent? wrench".--Please note the capitalization and punctuation. They continue on with "Be careful not to not burn yourself", so I guess you need to burn yourself to follow their directions?
And this is supposed to be educational.
Thanks. - I got the book and my 3 kids shared it. They kept themselves so busy with different experiments. This book is good for all ages . Your kids will even impress Their science teachers and their friends. Highly recommended