Read Online Birth Without Fear The JudgmentFree Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy Birth and Postpartum edition by January Harshe Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

An inclusive, non-judgmental, and empowering guide to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum life that puts mothers first, offering straightforward guidance on all the options and issues that matter most to them (and their partners) when preparing for a baby.
In Birth Without Fear, January Harshe--founder of the global online community Birth Without Fear--delivers an honest, positive, and passionate message of empowerment surrounding everything that involves having a baby. It's a guide that fills in the considerable cracks in the information available to women and families when they're preparing to welcome a child--covering care provider choices, medical freedom, birth options, breastfeeding, intimacy, postpartum depression, and much more.
Birth Without Fear shows moms, dads, partners, and families how to choose the best provider for them, how to trust in themselves and the birth process, and how to seek the necessary help after the baby has arrived. In addition, it will educate them about their rights--and how to use their voice to exercise them--as well as how to cope with the messy postpartum feelings many people aren't willing to talk about. Unlike other pregnancy books, Birth Without Fear will also help partners understand what mothers are going through, as well as discuss the challenges that they, too, will face--and how they can navigate them.
Shattering long-held myths and beliefs surrounding pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum experience, Birth Without Fear is an accessible, reassuring, and ultimately inspiring guide to taking charge of pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond.
Read Online Birth Without Fear The JudgmentFree Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy Birth and Postpartum edition by January Harshe Health Fitness Dieting eBooks
"Could not put it down! Has support for all birth preferences!"
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Tags : Birth Without Fear The Judgment-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum - edition by January Harshe. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Birth Without Fear The Judgment-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum.,ebook,January Harshe,Birth Without Fear The Judgment-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum,Hachette Books,CHILDBIRTH,Childbirth;Popular works.,GENERAL,General Adult,HEALTH FITNESS / Pregnancy Childbirth,HEALTH FITNESS / Women's Health,Health Fitness/Women's Health - General,Health/Fitness,MEDICAL / Nursing / Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health,Medical/Nursing - Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health,Non-Fiction,PREGNANCY,Pregnancy;Popular works.,Pregnant women - Health and hygiene,Pregnant women;Health and hygiene;Popular works.,Puerperium,United States,Women's Studies,pregnancy book; pregnancy guide; birth book; birth guide; book about pregnancy; book about birth; book for first time moms; breastfeeding; nursing; natural birth; natural pregnancy; home birth; hospital birth; vbac; c section birth; water birth; birth options; birth choices; first trimester; second trimester; third trimester; postpartum; postpartum depression; fourth trimester; doula; midwife; hypnobirthing,pregnancy book; pregnancy guide; birth book; birth guide; book about pregnancy; book about birth; book for first time moms; natural birth; natural pregnancy; home birth; hospital birth; vbac; c section birth; water birth; birth options; birth choices; first trimester; second trimester; third trimester; postpartum; postpartum depression; fourth trimester; doula; midwife; hypnobirthing; breastfeeding; nursing
Birth Without Fear The JudgmentFree Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy Birth and Postpartum edition by January Harshe Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews :
Birth Without Fear The JudgmentFree Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy Birth and Postpartum edition by January Harshe Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews
- 5 stars and all the praise hands for January Harsche. As a mother of four earth babies and one angel baby, this book was earth shattering. My only regret was this book wasn’t around when I was pregnant with my first. I cannot recommend this book enough. I love how she encourages and gives tips on how to find your voice and I love how she challenges all of the current misconceptions surrounding pregnancy, birth, and postpartum with grace, wit, and honesty. Highly recommend this book, not only for pregnant woman, but women who have just given birth, are considering having babies, or are done having babies, as well as doulas, midwives, OBs, and husbands and partners. This book is for you. Truly a great book and one that our society definitely needs.
- This is my favorite book on childbirth/mothering, and I've read many of them. This book doesn't tell you which way to birth and parent is best, it isn't selling you a method to labor in, it is not written by somebody who thinks she is right and everybody else is wrong. This book is INCLUSIVE. January Harshe's fantastic "you do you boo" attitude is in every single sentence. It's all about deciding for yourself what YOU want, and how to make sure you get the options, support, and respect you deserve. This book gets very real about the difficulties of birthing babies and being a parent. It doesn't skim over how hard and vulnerable the postpartum period is. Even better- it reminds parents that your "postpartum period" is NOT determined by some outside source. It's determined by you. This book reminds parents to take the lead and to do it in a positive way during their time of having children. No scare tactics, no gimmicks. This book is like having a supportive best friend at your side. It is uplifting to read, in a way that many books on these subjects are not. It is 100% positivity and support for you and how you choose to have and parent your children. There's not enough unbiased, genuine support out there for so many parents, especially not in media/text... but this book is changing the game. It's a must read for not just for anybody who is thinking about having children, but for anybody who wants to live out their best life as an advocate for themselves. This is everything I wish I had been told before I became a mother, it's everything new parents should hear.
- As a former doula, this book has been on my radar and I was so excited once I started seeing stuff on Facebook about this book coming out! Bought it the day after it became available and sent it to my sister who's pregnant with her first. She's not the au naturel hippie mom type like I am, and Ina May's Guide to Childbirth frankly made her feel terrified about giving birth. I was so sad she didn't resonate with that book, but then I was so relieved that just a couple of weeks later she received this book. She read it all in just a couple of days because she couldn't put it down and she felt this book spoke to her. The approach in this book is just what she needed to read in order to feel more empowered. Thank you!
- I just got the Birth Without Fear book in the mail and if you are pregnant or plan to be this is definitely a must have. It might be my 36 week pregnancy hormones but this is literally the first book in my life that has brought me to tears. Happy tears. Hopeful tears. Healing tears. This book has been transformational for me. I have been an avid follower of Birth Without Fear for years and I thought I knew what was going to be in the book, but boy was I wrong. This book contains such important messages for all types of birth, and trust me, you need to read them all. This book is so inspiring and it feels like January is sitting in my living room giving me the best pep talk ever. The power to have the birth experience that I want is within me and this book gives actual tools and examples of how to make that happen. We can't plan for birth, but we can try our best to plan for so many outcomes that however our babies choose to be born, we feel empowered in that experience. Buy the book, you won't regret it.
- I could not finish it. Made me feel like things were not going to go as planned. Gave me more fear than I had before. Made hospitals seem like they are working against you and that you may have to change care providers as late as labor. Made me worry that I would not have a great support system and would have to fight for what i wanted.
- I am currently pregnant with my second child and have been devouring any pregnancy related book I can get my hands on. Hands down, this has been the most empowering and encouraging book I’ve read! Just the chapter on VBAC births alone has helped me tremendously. Simply can’t recomment this book enough to anyone wanting encouragement and empowerment in their pregnancy and birth. Also great content for partners!! Thank you, Mama J!
- As a doula, I want every mama I serve to read Birth Without Fear. The way January communicates this empowering perspective on all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is completely love. I felt like she was cheering me on like she was my sister or friend (entirely regardless of my individual choices to breast or bottle feed, birth naturally or with an epidural, etc.), encouraging me to find and use my voice because I am worth it.
Childbirth is painted as such a terrifying event in society today and it so doesn’t have to be! This book shows you how to overcome your fears, make informed decisions, and enjoy your journey as a mama. - Could not put it down! Has support for all birth preferences!