Download PDF Sojourn The Silver Ships Book 13 eBook S H Jucha

By Sisca R. Bakara on Saturday, May 11, 2019

Download PDF Sojourn The Silver Ships Book 13 eBook S H Jucha

Download As PDF : Sojourn The Silver Ships Book 13 eBook S H Jucha

Download PDF Sojourn The Silver Ships Book 13 eBook S H Jucha

Artifice, the great enemy, has been defeated. The sister SADEs, Omnian sentient digital entities, are free from their boxes. Most humans are unaware that the sisters have duplicated themselves many more times than suspected. They now constitute a sizable, powerful group, calling themselves the Sisterhood.

The elimination of Artifice’s rule should be a time of relief and recovery for Alex Racine’s Omnian fleet and for the Toralians, whose home world was Artifice’s lair. Instead, it’s a chaotic period.

Visitors appear, sailing the distinct, black-hulled Toralian battleships. Five colonial governors wish to witness the recovery of the ancient home world. President Sargut welcomes them, but Alex is suspicious about the governors’ motives. In a face-to-face meeting, it becomes clear that the governors have a dark, ulterior purpose.

With the release of the federacy from Artifice’s reign, word reaches the Omnians that races are embracing their newfound freedom. Some enjoy peace, some desire expansion, and some yearn for revenge.

The races’ latter choices mean danger for the Toralians and Alex’s fleet. Powerful battleship fleets are either sailing for the Toralian home world to exact reprisals, or they’re seeking new territory. Every encounter presents a challenge for the Omnian fleet.

Some fleets have crossed the federacy’s boundary and are headed toward humankind’s worlds. Alex and the Omnians face a difficult choice. They must choose whether to defend the Toralian home world, which is forming a nascent society, or chase the fleets that are headed toward their planets.

Download PDF Sojourn The Silver Ships Book 13 eBook S H Jucha

"Beginning with Book 1, “Silver Ships” on a whim, and eagerly moving through to Book 13, “Sojourn” has been a a satisfying development in story telling skills.

Scott Jucha's unique handling of delicate subjects lends a style that is refreshing.

If you like science fiction, space travel, planet exploration. aliens and personal reactions that will have you closing your eyes and projecting yourself hundreds of light years away - start with book one I promise you will not be disappointed; Scott Jucha is headed to science fiction story telling greatness. I look forward eagerly to Book 14 .

Also consider Empaths (Pyreans Book 1)"

Product details

  • File Size 1614 KB
  • Print Length 412 pages
  • Publisher Hannon Books, Inc. (March 21, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 21, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Sojourn The Silver Ships Book 13 eBook S H Jucha

Tags : Sojourn (The Silver Ships Book 13) - edition by S. H. Jucha. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Sojourn (The Silver Ships Book 13).,ebook,S. H. Jucha,Sojourn (The Silver Ships Book 13),Hannon Books, Inc.,Fiction / Science Fiction / General,Fiction / Science Fiction / Action Adventure

Sojourn The Silver Ships Book 13 eBook S H Jucha Reviews :

Sojourn The Silver Ships Book 13 eBook S H Jucha Reviews

  • Alex Renee Teague Ginny Julien Z Miranda Tatia Reika Hector Adrianna Homsaff ... so many familiar families and species. So happy that the Talusians and the Sisters and created a new start for the Toralians and that the Gotlians were able to find their new world. With the Dichnya entering their era of technology and the defeat of Artifice, the wall may end up being a new lane of commerce once the revengers are dissipated. So much happened in this book and I enjoyed every second of it. This series never disappoints me. I am so very excited to hear of your plan to incorporate the Pyreans and Messiants and others. I am an avid fan!!! And cannot wait for Alliance!
  • I have literally devoured this entire series! I just can’t get enough. I’ve been into Sci Fi since I was very young. Being a child of the 60’s my first childhood memory was the moon landing.
    Always dreaming of what it would be like to be an astronaut but never had grades in school good enough to persue a career in that direction. This Author is one of the Best I’ve come across. So now that I’m currently caught up with this series with Alex and family I’m reading about the Pyreans. Thank you S. H. Jucha and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next in the universe full of hope with Alex, and the SADEs. With all the crazy in this world it’s refreshing to escape into this wonderful place where good prevails and we have leaders like Alex and Julian have everyone’s best interest at heart.
  • Beginning with Book 1, “Silver Ships” on a whim, and eagerly moving through to Book 13, “Sojourn” has been a a satisfying development in story telling skills.

    Scott Jucha's unique handling of delicate subjects lends a style that is refreshing.

    If you like science fiction, space travel, planet exploration. aliens and personal reactions that will have you closing your eyes and projecting yourself hundreds of light years away - start with book one I promise you will not be disappointed; Scott Jucha is headed to science fiction story telling greatness. I look forward eagerly to Book 14 .

    Also consider Empaths (Pyreans Book 1)
  • Again and again the Silver Ships (i. e. S. H. Jucha) has managed to give me wonderful reading material with unexpected twists and turns.

    This book is following up on this beautifully. New aliens, new friends, new enemies and new neighbors. The forward thinking of Alex Racine is excellent, especially after it gets explained to us slightly slower on the uptake )

    Definitely recommended, and at 0340 when I should be sleeping I preferred finishing the book...that should tell you something !
  • I do not usually give five stars to books but the entire silver ship series is excellent and in my opinion worth five stars. My only disappointment is that I have to wait to be able to read the next book.I like the inter-action of the characters I also like the fact that most problems are solved through intelligent,negotiations and compromise and not by fighting and killing everyone. I truly hope this series goes on for many many more books.
  • Again a great book with all my favorite characters! Alex and company continue to aid the universe. New aliens, worlds and battles! Also some new and unexpected developments among the various alien species. As always an opportunity to move forward. I will admit I am a little skeletal about the merging of the Pyreans series as I didn't particularly enjoy the first book.
  • The affect of the victory of the Omnians on the Federacy is related with emphasis on the defense and settling of Talos and the beginning of the settlement of a water world on the human side of the wall by a race from the Federacy.

    I do love the way that the author, Mr. Jucha, allows his characters to use diplomacy to settle differences when at all possible. Very refreshing!!!
  • Another excellent addition to the Silver Ships series. I enjoyed seeing old friends who are growing and developing. Statt the series and get hooked into a brilliant spave opera. You get aliens, both good and bad, you get wonderful relationships between species. And of course advesarial aliens to overcome.